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Journal Publications



E. Bellott, Y. Li, C. Gunter, S. Kovaleski, M.R. Maschmann, "Investigating the Electromechancial Sensitivity of Carbon Nanotube-Coated Mirocrofibers," 2023, Sensors, 23, 11, 5190.



G. Koerner, Q.K. Wyatt, B. Bateman, C. Boyle, M.J. Young, M.R. Maschmann, "Area-selective atomic layer deposition on HOPG enabled by electron beam functionalization," 2022, Nano Select, 3, 10, 1448-1457.



T.Hajilounezhad, R. Bao, K. Palaniappan, F. Bunyak, P.  Calyam, M. R. Maschmann, "Predicting carbon nanotube forest attributes and mechanical properties using simulated images and deep learning," 2021, NPJ Computational Materials, 7, 124. 


N. Zakiyyan, C.M. Darr, B. Chen, C. J. Mathai, K. Gangopadhyay, J. McFarland, S. Gangopadhyay, M.R. Maschmann, “Surface plasmon enhanced fluorescence temperature mapping of aluminum nanoparticle heated by laser,” 2021, Sensors, 21, 5, 1585.



A. Wang, S. Bok, C. J. Mathai, K. Gangopadhyay, J. McFarland, M.R. Maschmann, S. Gangopadhyay, “On the stability study of iodinated reduced graphene oxide and its application in self-assembled nanothermite composites,” 2020, Nano Futures, 4, 4, 045002.


E.T. Dominguez, P. Nguyen, A. Hylen, M.R. Maschmann, A. Mustapha, H.K. Hunt, "Design and characterization of mechanically stable, nanoporous TiO2 thin film antimicrobial coatings for food contact surfaces," 2020,  Mat. Chem. Phys., 123001.


R. Hines, T. Hajilounezhad, C. Love-Baker, G. Koerner, M.R. Maschmann, “Growth Mechanics of Heterogeneous, 3-D Carbon Nanotube Forest Microstructures Formed by Sequential Selective-Area Synthesis,” 2020, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 12, 17893-17900.


A. Wang, S. Bok, J. Mathai, R. Thiruvengadathan, C. Darr, K. Gangopadhyay, J. McFarland, M.R. Maschmann, S.Gangopadhyay,” Synthesis, characterization and nanoenergetic utilizations of fluorine, oxygen co-functionalized graphene by one-step XeF2 exposure,” 2020, Combustion and Flame, 2020, 215, 324-332.




B. L. MacDonald, D. Stalla, X. He, F. Rahemtulla, D. Emerson, P. Dube, M.R. Maschmann, C.E. Klesner, T.E. White, “Hunter-Gatherers Harvested and Thermally Enhanced Leptothrix Ochracea Bacterium to Produce Rock Art Pigment,” 2019, Scientific Reports, 9, 1-13.​


J. Brown, T. Hajilounezhad, S. Kim, A. J. Hart, M.R. Maschmann,” Delamination Mechanics of Carbon Nanotube Micropillars,” 2019, , 11, 28, 35221-35227.


J. Carpena-Núñez, J. Boscoboinik, S. Saber, R. Rao, J-Q Zhong, M.R Maschmann, P. Kidambi, N. Dee, D. Zakharov, A.J. Hart, E.A. Stach, B. Maruyama, Benji,” Isolating the roles of hydrogen exposure and trace carbon contamination on the formation of active catalyst populations for carbon nanotube growth,” 2019, 13, 8, 8736-8748.


T. Hajilounezhad, D. Ajiboye, M.R. Maschmann, “Evaluating the Forces Generated During Carbon Nanotube Forest Growth and Self-Assembly,” , 2019, 100371.


C. Wolenski, A. Wood, C. Mathai, J. McFarland, K. Gangopadhyay, S.Gangopadhyay, M.R. Maschmann, ”Nanoscale Al and MoO3 Surface Reactions by Photothermal Heating,” y, 2019, 30, 045703.




B. Chen, H. Zheng, M. Riehn, S. Bok, K. Gangopadhyay, S.Gangopadhyay, M.R. Maschmann, “Enhanced Fluorescence of Photothermally Heated Aluminum Nanoparticles Enabled by a Plasmonic Grating Substrate,” 2018, Nanotechnology, 29, 395501.


A. Wang, S. Bok, R. Thiruvengadathan, K. Gangopadhyay, J. A. McFarland, M. R. Maschmann*, and S. Gangopadhyay*, ” Reactive Nanoenergetic Graphene Aerogel Synthesized by One-Step Chemical Reduction,” 2018, Combustion and Flame, 196, 400-406.


B. Chen, H. Zheng, S. Bok, K. Gangopadhyay, M.R. Maschmann*, S.Gangopadhyay*, “In-Situ Characterization of Photothermal Nanoenergetic Combustion on a Plasmonic Microchip,” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2018, 10 (1), 427–436.


J. Carpena-Núñez, B. Davis, A.E. Islam, J. Brown, G. Sargent, N. Murphy, T. Back, M. Maschmann, and B. Maruyama, “Water-Assisted, Electron-Beam Activation of c-Cut Sapphire for Patterned Carbon Nanotube Growth,” Carbon, 2018*, 135, 270-277.


3N. Zakiyyan, A.Wang, R. Thiruvengadathan, C. Staley, J. Mathai, K. Gangopadhyay, M.R. Maschmann*, S. Gangopadhyay*, ” Combustion of Aluminum Nanoparticles and Exfoliated 2D Molybdenum Trioxide Composites,”  Combustion and Flame, 2018, 187, 1-10.




R. Carter, B. Davis, L. Oakes, M.R. Maschmann, C.L. Pint, ”High Areal Capacity Lithium Sulfur Battery Cathode by Site-Selective Vapor Infiltration of Hierarchical Carbon Nanotube Arrays,” Nanoscale, 2017, 9, 15018-15026.


H. Deng, Y. Dong , J.-W. Su, C. Zhang, Y. Xie, C. Zhang, M.R. Maschmann, Y. Lin, and J. Lin, “Bio-inspired Programmable Polymer Gel Controlled by Swellable Guest Medium,” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2017, 9, 30900-30908.


P. P. S. S. Abadi, M. R. Maschmann, S. L. Hodson, T. S. Fisher, J. W. Baur, S. Graham, B.A. Cola, “Mechanical Behavior of Carbon Nanotube Forests Grown with Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition: Pristine and Coated,” ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 2017, 139 (3), 034502.


J. Brown, B. Davis, M.R. Maschmann, “Precision Milling of Carbon Nanotube Forests using Low Pressure Scanning Electron Microscopy,” Journal of Visualized Experiments, 2017, e55149.




B. Davis, X. Yan, N. Muralidharan, L. Oakes, C. L. Pint, M.R. Maschmann, “Multi-Generation Hierarchical Carbon Nanotube Forests,” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2016, 8 (41), pp 28004–28011.


S. Sadasivam, S. L. Hodson, M. R. Maschmann, T. S. Fisher, “Microstructure-Dependent Heat Transfer Modeling of Carbon Nanotube Thermal Interface Materials,” ASME J. Heat Transfer, 2016*, 138, 042402.




B. Rajabifar, S. Kim, K. Slinker, G.J. Ehlert, A. J.Hart, M. R. Maschmann, “ Three-dimensional machining of carbon nanotube forests using water-assisted SEM processing,” Applied Physics Letters, 2015, 107, 143102.


M.R. Maschmann, “Integrated Simulation of Active CNT Forest Growth and Mechanical Compression,” Carbon, 2015, 86, 26-37.


A. Kumar, M.R. Maschmann, S.L. Hodson, J. Baur, T. Fisher “Carbon nanotube arrays decorated with multi-layer graphene-nanopetals enhance mechanical strength and durability,” Carbon, 2015, 84, 236-245.




A. Brieland-Shoultz, S. Tawfick, S. Park, M. Bedewy, M. Maschmann, J.W. Baur, A.J. Hart, “Scaling the stiffness, strength, and toughness of ceramic-coated nanotube foams into the structural regime,” Advanced Functional Materials, 2014 24 (36), 5728-573.


M.D. Clark, M.R. Maschmann, R.J. Patel, B.J. Leever, “Scratch Resistance and Durability Enhancement of Bulk Heterojunction Organic Photovoltaics using Ultra-thin Alumina Layers,” Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2014*, 128, 178-183.


M.R. Maschmann, G.J. Ehlert, B. Dickinson, D. Phillips, C. Ray, G. Reich, J.W. Baur, “Bio-Inspired Carbon Nanotube Fuzzy Fiber Hair Sensor for Airflow Detection,” Advanced Materials, 2014, 26 (20), 3230-3234.


M.R. Maschmann, G. J. Ehlert, S. Tawfick, A.J. Hart, J.W. Baur,“Continuum analysis of carbon nanotube array buckling enabled by anisotropic elastic measurements and modeling,” Carbon, 2014, 66, 377-386.


PPSS Abadi, M.R. Maschmann, S.M. Mortuza, S. Banerjee, J.W. Baur, S. Graham, B.A. Cola, ”Reversible Tailoring of Mechanical Properties of Carbon Nanotube Forests by Immersing in Solvents,” Carbon, 2014, 69, 178-187.


2013 and Before


PPSS Abadi, M. Maschmann, J. Baur, S. Graham, B. Cola, “Deformation response of conformally-coated carbon nanotube forests,” Nanotechnology, 2013, 24, 475707.


S. Tawfick, Z. Zhao, M. Maschmann, A. Brieland-Shoults, M. De Volder, J.W. Baur, A.J. Hart, “Mechanics of Capillary Forming of Aligned Carbon Nanotube Assemblies,” Langmuir, 2013, 29, 5190-5198.


YC Lu, J Joseph, MR Maschmann, L Dai, J Baur, “Rate-dependent, large-displacement deformation of vertically aligned carbon nanotube arrays,” Challenges in Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials and Processes in Conventional and Multifunctional Materials, Volume 2, Pages 101-107.


M.R. Maschmann, G. Ehlert, S.J. Park, D. Mollenhauer, B. Maruyama, A. J. Hart, J.W. Baur, “Visualizing Strain Evolution and Coordinated Buckling within CNT Arrays by In Situ Digital Image Correlation,” Advanced Functional Materials, 2012, 22, 4686-4695.  [Featured as front cover article].


M.R. Maschmann, G. Ehlert, B. Dickinson, J. Baur, “Force Sensitive CNT Arrays for Bio-Inspired Airflow Sensing Applications,” Smart Materials & Structures, 2012, 29, 094024.


Y.C. Lu, J. Joseph, Q. Zhang, M.R. Maschmann, L. Dai, J. Baur, “Large-Displacement Indentation Testing of Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotube Arrays,” Experimental Mechanics, 2012, 52, 1551-1554.


M. R. Maschmann, Q. Zhang, R. Wheeler, Feng Du, L. Dai, and J. Baur, “In Situ SEM Observation of Column-Like and Foam-Like CNT Array Nanoindentation,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2011, 3, 648-653.


M. R. Maschmann, Q. Zhang, F. Du, L. Dai, J. Baur, ”Length dependent foam-like mechanical response of axially indented vertically oriented carbon nanotube arrays,” Carbon, 2011, 49, 386-397.


M.R. Maschmann, A.D. Franklin, T.D. Sands, and T.S. Fisher, “Optimization of porous anodic Al-Fe-Al templates for SWNT synthesis,” Carbon, 2007, 45, 2290-2296.


Q. Hang, M.R. Maschmann, T.S. Fisher, D.B. Janes, “Assemblies of 2 nm Carbon Nanotubes and Unencapsulated Sub-10 nm Gold Nanoparticles,” Small, 2007, 3, 1266-1271.


A.D. Franklin, M.R.  Maschmann, M. DaSilva, D.B. Janes, T.S. Fisher, T.D. Sands, “In-place fabrication of nanowire electrode arrays for vertical nanoelectronics on Si substrates,” J. Vac. Sci. B, 2007, 25, 343-347.


M.R. Maschmann, A.D. Franklin, A. Scott, D.B Janes, T.D. Sands, T.S. Fisher, “Lithography-free in situ contact metallization to single-walled carbon nanotubes,” Nano Letters, 2006, 6, 2712-2717.


M.R. Maschmann, A.D. Franklin, P.B. Amama, D. Zhakarov, E.A. Stach, T.D. Sands, T.S. Fisher, “Vertical single- and double-walled carbon nanotubes grown from modified porous anodic alumina templates.” Nanotechnology, 2006, 17, 3925-3929. 


M.R. Maschmann, P.B. Amama, A. Goyal,  Z. Iqbal, T.S. Fisher, “Freestanding vertically oriented single-wall carbon nanotubes synthesized using microwave plasma-enhanced CVD,” Carbon, 2006, 44, 2758-2763.

P.B. Amama, M.R. Maschmann, T.S. Fisher, T.D. Sands, “Dendrimer-Templated Fe Nanoparticles for the Growth of Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes by Plasma-Enhanced CVD,” J. Phys. Chem. B, 2006, 110, 10636-10644.


P.B. Amama, O. Ogebule, M.R. Maschmann, T.D. Sands, T.S. Fisher,  “Dendrimer-assisted low-temperature growth of carbon nanotubes by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition.” Chem. Comm., 2006, 2899-2901.


M.R. Maschmann, P.B. Amama, A. Goyal, Z. Iqbal, T.S. Fisher, R. Gat, “Parametric study of synthesis conditions in plasma-enhanced CVD of high-quality single-walled carbon nanotubes,” Carbon, 2006, 44, 10-18.


M. Park, B.A. Cola, T. Siegmund, J. Xu, M.R. Maschmann, T. S. Fisher, H. Kim, “Effects of a carbon nanotube layer on electrical contact resistance between copper substrates,” Nanotechnology, 2006, 17, 2294-2303.


M.R. Maschmann, H.B. Ma, “An Investigation of Capillary Flow Effect on Condensation Heat Transfer on a Grooved Plate,” Heat Transfer Engineering, 2006, 27, 22-31.


C.K. Teoh, M.R. Maschmann, H.B. Ma, “Heat-transfer analysis in heat sink embedded with a thermosyphon,” Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 2003, 17, 348-353.

© 2020 Matthew Maschmann

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